
Horror Addicts Episode# 183
SEASON 15 “Cursed, Cubed”
Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich
Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe


jonathan fortin | dogtablet | the car, 1977  


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123 days till Halloween

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terror trax, dogtablet, pandemic insanity, kids, summer canceled,  next great horror write, jonathan fortin, lilitu, dickens party, r l merril, ro’s rec, juneteenth, black artists to check out, patreon, how not to be cursed, james dean, little bastard, george barris, the car, frightening flix, kbatz, james brolin, vehicular horror, carrie, maximum overdrive, russell, logbook of terror, dean can’t drive 65, evil car, they wound like worms, cedar george, naching t kassa, book review r l, hallelujah, kim fielding, fe feeley jr,  kbatz krafts, goth parasol upgrade, daphne, 15 horror animal movies, apes, snakes, sharks, spiders, crocodiles, live action review, crystal connor, the lurker, damn taylor, lionel, bigfoot files, bigfoot files, something in the woods, dead mail: sarah, goth, punk, emo, meme, sumiko, vampires, patricia, drawn to  monsters, enthralled, ha news, jesse orr, my darling dead2, sub call, haunts and hellions, castle eye, castlevania, ravage, movie, coming to usa, bruce dern, bruce campbell, the expendables of horror, bruce vs. frankenstein, robert englund, kane hodder, arterial bloom, mercedes m yardley, darker side of grief, naching, crystal lake publishing, jonathan fortin, lilitu


Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc…

Also, send show theme ideas!


h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

h e a d  o f  p u b l i s h i n g

Naching T. Kassa

p u b l i s h i n g  p. a.

Cedar George

b l o g  e d i t o r

Kate Nox

s t a f f

KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Daphne Strasert, Jesse Orr, Russell Holbrook, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, Courtney Mroch, R.L. Merrill

Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email horroraddicts@gmail.com

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t h e  b e l f r y  a p p 


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Category:general -- posted at: 7:14pm EDT