
Horror Addicts Episode# 152

SEASON 13 “We’re CURSED!!!”

Horror Hostess: Emerian Rich

Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe


sea curses

valjeanne jeffers, i-def-i, dead calm, curse of the black pearl rum balls


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179 days till halloween

I-def-i, russell, terror trax, goth-mart?, horror-mart?, dogtooth, dj, sea curses, titanic, curses, nopope, candlemas, albatross, bananas, whistling, flying dutchman, dan, morbid meals, curse of the black pearl rum balls, horroraddicts.net news, jesse, the other woman, wicked women writers, second life, facebook group, dario ciriello, the queen mary, matthew schultz, santa clarita diet, ready player one, the shining, 237, zombie giant, snowy maze, ghastly games, daphne, gloom, kbatz frightening flicks, dead calm, kenzie konspiracies, the mist, stephen king, wastlander, the hatch, lisa, planet dead, the briggs boys, berkeley book fair, loren rhoads, luke, jeff seeman, see other author/artist names below in links, kitten skull, mimielle, counterculture, subculture, dead mail, helen, witches spells and spitting, randy, hate mail, kelly, no other goths, alone, but not alone, what happened to the first shows, jenni, emz favorite books and movies, anne rice, the prince lestat, andrew neiderman,bloodchild, jane austen, northanger abbey, a quiet place, ready player one, ghostship, woman in black, suck, susperia, reaper, dead like me, nightmare fuel, resurrection mary, cemetery, hitchhiker, serial killers, author tip, rebekah webb, meet with other authors, meet with each other, pep talk, deck z: titanic unsinkable undead, captain smith, chilling chat, naching, valjeanne jeffers, mona livelong


The Titanic Conspiracy: Cover-ups and Mysteries of the World's Most Famous Sea Disaster https://www.amazon.com/Titanic-Conspiracy-Cover-ups-Mysteries-Disaster/dp/B000HMRZWM

The Loss of the Titanic: I Survived the Titanic - true tale


HorrorAddicts.net SL home:


L.S. JOhnson, author of Leviathan


Anthony DeRouen, screen writer for Alone in the Dark


Matthew Brockmeyer author of Kind Nepenthe


E.M. MArkoff, author of The Deadbringer


NJ Hanson author of An Empty Swing


A.J. McCarthy author of Sins of the Fathers


Andrew Van Wey, author of Forsaken


Brent I. Smith, author of Edendale Society


Peter Tennyson who has a series all about nightmares


Cody Vrosh


Ryan Winch


Journal kits


Deck Z: Titanic Unsinkable Undead

Valjeanne Jeffers


HorrorAddict.net Sub Call Kill Switch



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h o s t e s s

Emerian Rich

s t a f f

Dan Shaurette, KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Mimielle, D.J. Pitsiladis, Jesse Orr, Cyrstal Connor, Lisa Vasquez, Kenzie Kordic, Naching T. Kassa, Daphne Strasert, Russell Holbrook.

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Direct download: HorrorAddicts152.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:27pm EDT