Fri, 23 April 2021
Horror Addicts Episode# 192 SEASON 16 Cultural Horror Intro Music by: Valentine Wolfe ——————— 192 - #SLAY | #valentinewolfe | #vampiresvsbronx | #blackvampires Find all articles and interviews at:
190 days till Halloween Music: “I Felt a Funeral” by Valentine Wolfe Ro’s Recs: #RLMerrill #VisionVideo Catchup: 2021, better year? pandemic no fun, taxes, no zombies, still have to go to work Audiodrama: #TheDeadbringer #emmarkoff, music: “Huitzillin” by Sarah Monroy Solis #sarisolis voices by james seo, dave strom, kadirah wade Daphne’s Den of Darkness: #daphnestarsert #vampires Frightening Flix: #Kbatz #KristinBatestella Vampires Vs. Bronx Live Action Reviews: #CrystalConnor #Kindred Dead Mail: martin: smoking comic, kate: horror movies help you burn calories, #TheShining Bigfoot Files: #LionelRayGreen “The Mystery of Bigfoot” #HistoryChannel #AmericasBookofSecrets #WeJustNeedaBody Historian of Horror: #MarkOrr in memoriam Odds and Dead Ends: #KieranJudge #Blade #WesleySnipes Nightmare Fuel: #DJPitsiladis #CongelierHouse NEWS: #GabrielandtheApocalypse, #JesseOrr #GypsyMob #FreeFiction, guest blogs: #LMarieWood #ShakespeareanHorror #religioushorror #monstermadness #freefiction #DanACardoza #DayShift #SnoopDog Book Review: #EmerianRich #Deadcades #StephanieEllis #ChristopherLong Chilling Chat: #NachingTKassa #NicoleKurtz #SLAY Author Audio: SLAY from #MochaMemoirs
Penelope Flynn “Unfleamed” #PenelopeFlynn Alicia McCalla “The Last Vampire Huntress” #AliciaMcCalla Valjeanne Jeffers "Beautiful Monsters" #ValjeanneJeffers Michele Tracy Berger "Blood Saviors" #MicheleTracyBerger Samantha Bryant "His Destroyer" #SamanthaBryant ------------------------------------- Write in re: ideas, questions, opinions, horror cartoons, favorite movies, etc… Also, send show theme ideas! h o s t e s s Emerian Rich h e a d o f p u b l i s h i n g Naching T. Kassa p u b l i s h i n g p. a. Cedar George b l o g e d i t o r Kate Nox s t a f f KBatz (Kristin Battestella), Daphne Strasert, Jesse Orr, Lionel Green, Kieran Judge, Crystal Connor, Nightshade, R.L. Merrill, Mark Orr, DJ Pitsiladis, Christopher Fink, Mimielle, Courtney Mroch Want to be a part of the HA staff? Email b l o g / c o n t a c t / s h o w . n o t e s the belfry app I♥radio stitcher spotify overcast podcast republic himalaya google play music rss